Jason Kasper stated:
: Hi there. I have just recently started trying to use the USB device on
: my laptop and recompiled my kernel with the following pertinent options
: for USB itself....
: device ohci # OHCI PCI->USB interface
: device usb # USB Bus (required)
: device ugen # Generic
: device umass # Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da
: and the following options for SCSI (I'm using a USB zip drive)....
: device scbus # SCSI bus (required)
: device da # Direct Access (disks)
: Now, I recompiled, installed, etc., and rebooted. Voila, I was able to
: use my USB zip drive (which is incredibly fast, btw), and all was good.
: I have two questions. First, when I had the Zip drive connected, I
: tried to start X and had two problems. First, my mouse simply would not
: work, and secondly, the whole system was much slower than it normally
: is. I didn't notice this until I started X. I realize that most
: probably, this is an IRQ conflict between the zip drive and my laptop
: mouse (?) but I've not investigated further.
: My second problem is that since I put the USB options in my new kernel
: (and use it without actually having any USB devices attached), I get the
: following message from the kernel all day....
: usb0: scheduling overrun
: usb0: scheduling overrun
: usb0: scheduling overrun
: usb0: scheduling overrun
: Aug 16 13:05:58 judea last message repeated 12392 times
: It doesn't seem like it's hurting anything, but I'm just curious--
: a) what does this mean, and
: b) what can I do to fix it?
: Also, anybody experience any oddities when using a USB device and
: then trying to use a PS/2 mouse?
I have done this fine with an Iomega USB Zip 250. It might help
if you posted some relevant (or all) dmesg output during boot. You
are probably experiencing an IRQ conflict somewhere... hard to tell
where exactly. You also fail to mention what kind of laptop you have
... there are some issues with certain makes and models (some HP Omni-
books come to mind).
See FreeBSD USB homepage at http://www.etla.net/~n_hibma/usb/usb.pl
You also fail to mention if you are using XFree86-3.3.6 or XFree86-4.0.1
or what not... there are some issues viz mouse support under 4.0.1 that
maybe coincidental.
ps/2 mouse uses irq 12: you may want to see if the usb controller
or a pccard is attempting to usurp this irq...
You may want to search (or ask on) the usb-bsd email list at egroups
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