After more experimentation, I finally found what's causing these
problems for me on 13:

* Felix Palmen <> [20210412 11:44]:
> * Poudriere running on idprio 22 with 8 parallel build jobs

Running poudriere with normal priority works perfectly fine. Now, I've
had poudriere running on idprio because there are several other services
on that machine that shouldn't be slowed down by running a heavy build
and I still want to use all the CPU resources available for building.

Right now, I'm running a test with idprio 0 instead, which still seems
to have the desired effect, and so far, I didn't have any of these
stalls. If this persists, the problem is solved for me!

I'd still be curious about what might be the cause, and, what this state
"zfs tear" actually means. But that's kind of an "academic interest"

 Dipl.-Inform. Felix Palmen  <>   ,.//..........
 {web}  {jabber} [see email]   ,//
 {pgp public key}   //   """""""""""
 {pgp fingerprint} A891 3D55 5F2E 3A74 3965 B997 3EF2 8B0A BC02 DA2A

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