Cy Schubert writes:
> In message <
> om>
> , Ed Maste writes:
> > I propose deprecating the ftpd currently included in the base system
> > before FreeBSD 14, and opened review D26447
> > ( to add a notice to the man page.
> > I had originally planned to try to do this before 13.0, but it dropped
> > off my list. FTP is not nearly as relevant now as it once was, and it
> > had a security vulnerability that secteam had to address.
> I think this is an excellent start. My shopping list includes:
> - remove ftp(1)
> - remove ftpd(8)
> - remove telnet(1)
> - remove telnetd(8)
> - remove ftp:// and http:// from libfetch. This is 2021 and we should all 
> use https://.
> - replace DNS lookups with DoH and/or DoT. Why let your ISP see your DNS 
> traffic?
> >
> > I'm happy to make a port for it if anyone needs it. Comments?
> I've started working on splitting ftp and ftpd into an external git repo. 
> The problem I've encountered is that though only ftp and ftpd are left the 
> resultant repo is still 1.2 GB. If my last attempt fails, there is a choice 
> between a 1.2 GB repo and burning ftp forever then the choice is clear: 
> burn it forever.

The best I can do to separate libexec/ftpd out into its own repo is 596 MB 
(ZFS lz4 compressed). The worst was 1.5 GB. I suppose 596 MB will do. If we 
want to make it smaller then history will need to take a back seat.

We can do a port with it now.

Cy Schubert <>
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