On 8/04/2021 2:59 pm, Helge Oldach wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 10:42:57PM +0300, Andriy Gapon wrote:
>>>>>> I regularly see that the top's memory line does not add up (and by a 
>>>>>> lot).
>>>>>> That can be seen with vm.stats as well.
>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>> $ sysctl vm.stats | fgrep count
>>>>>> vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count: 0
>>>>>> vm.stats.vm.v_user_wire_count: 3231
>>>>>> vm.stats.vm.v_laundry_count: 262058
>>>>>> vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count: 3054178
>>>>>> vm.stats.vm.v_active_count: 621131
>>>>>> vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count: 1871176
>>>>>> vm.stats.vm.v_free_count: 187777
>>>>>> vm.stats.vm.v_page_count: 8134982
>>>>>> $ bc
>>>>>>>>> 187777 + 1871176 + 621131 + 3054178 + 262058
>>>>>> 5996320
>>>>>>>>> 8134982 - 5996320
>>>>>> 2138662
>>>>>> As you can see, it's not a small number of pages either.
>>>>>> Approximately 2 million pages, 8 gigabytes or 25% of the whole memory on 
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> system.
>>>>>> This is 47c00a9835926e96, 13.0-STABLE amd64.
>>>>>> I do not think that I saw anything like that when I used (much) older 
>>>>>> FreeBSD.
> That sounds like PR 234559 which has an explanation.
> Kind regards
> Helge

Thanks Helge, I appreciate the pointer to understand from Mark J. in
2019 that:
"Basically, we started lazily dequeuing wired pages to avoid the page
queue synchronization cost incurred by frequent wirings.  The result is
that wired pages may temporarily be counted as active/inactive/laundry
despite not being reclaimable.  Maintaining the previous behaviour wrt
statistics would introduce synchronization overhead that we've been
trying to avoid" (#1)

A minor and known counting error to avoid sync'ing overhead is fine.

Ref #1: https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=234559
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