On 2020-09-14 04:41, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> Build time for modern FreeBSD version is too gross and needs way too much 
> memory,
> so I stopped building image for my i586 hardware "in place" quite long ago.

It would take about a week to compile, but since it was stable <11.4 I
didn't really care.

> I use my i7-based desktop to build NanoBSD image for its upgrade, it works 
> just fine
> by default setting ARCH/TARGET_ARCH to i386 and correct CPUTYPE.

I tried that on my workstation (dual Xeon, lots of RAM) but couldn't get
it to compile for i586 - various things kept bailing out. It would
compile i386 for i686, but not i586. Have you tried it with 11.4?

>> Don't try -Os or -Oz (which really do help on a real i586) - ZFS will
>> wedge quickly.
> Currently i586-class CPU needs as many speed improvements as possible
> and I was told that -Os might drop performance comparing with -O2,
> so why bother?

It depends on your workload. This machine spends most of its life
running rsync over ssh, so having more useful code in L2 cache makes a
difference even if it takes a few more clock cycles to run. The
bottleneck is IO - mainly disc, but also network (way better with
polling - don't know why it's not in GENERIC) so those extra clock
cycles aren't as important.

If you're doing real number-crunching stuff with it, a) why?!, and b)
yes, -O2 would be better.

>> 11.4 i386 doesn't honour `vfs.zfs.arc_max` in any meaningful way
>> resulting in one of the `find`s in periodic security wedging ZFS.
> Been there, seen that. The problem pre-dates 11.x series and appeared in 10.x.
> It was much better in times of 9.x, though.

Yes, I've also seen it before, but 11.4 is particularly egregious with
its disregard on i386 - amd64 is behaving itself on everything I've tried.

>> options      KSTACK_PAGES=4
> This is default for 12.x/i386 but was not merged to stable/11.

That's good to know.

> You might find useful these also:
> vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.size="8M"
> vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable="1"

Prefetch is disabled on i386 by default; I played with the vdev cache
size too but it made no discernable difference.

> And for kernel config:
> options         KVA_PAGES=512
> This makes ZFS more stable giving it bigger kernel virtual area with less 
> utilization for it.

Yes, that's the theory, but when I tried it on earlier versions the
kernel would just blow up on boot. I may try it again next time I update
the kernel.

>> TL;DR: I'd avoid 11.4 i386 as it doesn't appear to have been tested on
>> i486/i586 at all.
> Finally I gave up running ZFS for vmem-contrained systems,
> e.g. I moved my i386 virtual machines that benefit from ZFS compression to 
> amd64.

Oh, sure - I'd never dream of doing anything fancy with ZFS on this
machine - it just does backups.

My point was that 11.4 doesn't "feel" right - it doesn't seem to have
been tested on <i686 at all, not even virtually. I've run every version
of FreeBSD since 2.x - some "feel" right, some "feel" dodgy (5.3, 6.x,
some 8.x IIRC). On amd64 it "feels" great, but I don't really trust it
on i386.

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