On 6/3/20 6:50 PM, Kyle Evans wrote:
> Can you post a sample of your /boot/lodaer.conf, please? Though, the
> efipart_readwrite error smack dab in the middle leaves me a bit
> worried; status=7 looks like EFI_DEVICE_ERROR, which is a bit
> sinister.

# cat /boot/loader.conf
autoboot_delay="5"      # Delay in seconds before autobooting.
vfs.zfs.arc_max="5G"    # Limit ZFS memory usage.
coretemp_load="YES"     # Intel CPU temperature.

> Believe it or not, issues with underlying media can cause problems
> with 4thloader as well.

Could be, I' will replace as soon as possible SSD for system (My
prediction SSD too old). I'am sorry, this's remote machine, so I can not
give you more information (I can not access that machine anymore).
Remote worker just send me two photo.

First booting: https://ibb.co/NWbszqR
After restart: https://ibb.co/dDsH0RD

Thank you.


Budi Janto
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