Absolutely hotsync'ing via IR is neat. I carry my Palm (like the
card-carrying geek-member that I am) everywhere I go. But I'll be
darned if I want to have to carry my hotsync cradle everywhere that I
take my laptop. Bottom line, it is much more convenient to grab
something off the net and install it via IR in 5 seconds than have to
wait until I get home and then remember to do it before I leave the
house.... Anyhoo, I've not gotten what I'm assuming is at least 2
previous messages in this thread, but it looks like IR is not on
anybody's priority list for the FBSD kernel?
* Daniel O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000803 13:46]:
> On 03-Aug-00 Henry F. Marquardt wrote:
> > I agree, this is a 'lost' technology, a solution in search of a problem.
> > Even the palm crowd doesn't use it much that I've seen - I remember some of
> > the early marketing hype there with people swapping IR business cards - I
> > don't think I've ever seen anyone do that and I don't think I could figure
> > out how in any reasonable amount of time with mine - it'd be quicker to
> > scribble on a napkin.
> Or give them a real business card..
> Still, hotsync'ing via IR is neat :)
> Also, IR to a mobile is nice for making data calls..
> ---
> Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
> for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
> "The nice thing about standards is that there
> are so many of them to choose from."
> -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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