Thanks Will, You make some good points, but all depend on variant circustances.
I prefer to be informed ASAP, to make my own decisons with max info ASAP, Not delayed. I want to Not Delay fix announcements into batches. If other admins want to delay being told told to do upgrades until there's lots more to consider & upgrade, they can dummy the delay their receive end, just filtering announcements into their own special box they read once per period. As soon as exploits are in the wild, some will exploit, not announcing until binary updates are ready gives black hats more time. > Whatever other negative things you can say about them, I don't hear > enterprise admins begging that Microsoft/Oracle/whoever would dribble out > patches one at a time each week instead of combining them like they do; it > seems like it works just fine for everyone else. MS make lots of money from the addicted cluless, despite MS loosers frequently complain eg that PCs are locked up again in mid auto update & owner can't shut down to catch a plane or train. MS servers I avoid like the plague. PS Here seems (*) an example of something in text config didnt even need to wait for src/ let alone bin. * Not sure, I'll try it later, got to dash off line. ] IV. Workaround ] Use 'restrict noquery' in the ntpd configuration to limit addresses that ] can send mode 6 queries. Cheers, Julian -- Julian Stacey, Consultant Systems Engineer, BSD Linux Unix, Munich Aachen Kent Brexit ref. stole votes from 700,000 Brits in EU. Lies bought; Groups fined; 1.9 M young had no vote, 1.3 M old leavers died. _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""