On 2019-Apr-30 19:44:36 +0000, Markus Wipp <m.w...@bluebird-ag.com> wrote:
>I currently face an issue, where I don’t know further on why this happens and 
>what I could do about it.
>I hope that this is the correct list to ask my question. If not please let me 
>know where else I might try my luck.
>I installed unbound from ports, configured it and can start / stop it from 
>command line with service unbound start without any problems.
>But whenever I reboot the machine it just doesn’t get started. The only 
>information I was able to find out so far can be found in /var/log/messages:
>root: /etc/rc: WARNING: failed to start unbound

I have seen unbound fail to start for a variety of reasons but in all cases, it 
written a useful hint to the console.  Can you confirm that it's not writing 
to your console.  Are you able to share your configuration?

Peter Jeremy

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