On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 at 08:18, Software Info <softwareinfo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I am trying to schedule cron to run a script. The script is in my home 
> directory and so I added my home directory to the path file in /etc/crontab 
> below.
> PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:~/bin:/home:/home/me
> This is the crontab entry for the scheduled  task below.
> 49      14      *       *       1-5     root    myscript.sh
> myscript.sh grabs a file from another directory if it is there. If not, it 
> says “file not uploaded”. If the file is there, it copies it to my home 
> directory, strips email addresses out of it and uses mailx to send emai to 
> those users. I keep getting the error that a number of files in my home 
> directory are missing but they are not.
> Please see errors below
> mv: rename *.csv to listing.csv: No such file or directory
> grep: listing.csv: No such file or directory
> /home/me/ipo-script.sh: cannot open body.txt: No such file or directory
> mv: rename /home/me/listing.txt to /home/me/listing.txt-10-04-19-1435: No 
> such file or directory
> mv: rename /home/me/listing.csv to /home/me/listing.csv-10-04-19-1435: No 
> such file or directory
> mv: rename /home/me/listing.txt-10-04-19-1435 to 
> /home/me/IPO-Backup-Files/listing.txt-10-04-19-1435: No such file or directory
> mv: rename /home/me/listing.csv-10-04-19-1435 to 
> /home/me/IPO-Backup-Files/listing.csv-10-04-19-1435: No such file or directory
> Because I added my home directory to the path in crontab, I am at a loss to 
> explain why this is still happening. Anyone have any ideas? Would really 
> appreciate some help.

You are assuming that the script starts in your home directory. It
doesn't, hence: "mv: rename *.csv to listing.csv: No such file or
Jonathan Chen <j...@chen.org.nz>
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