21.08.2018 1:37, Charles Sprickman via freebsd-stable wrote:

> I am so behind on all the new toys in the system.  I was very embarrassed
> to find out about this feature from someone who’s primarily working
> with Linux in his day job.  He was just looking to bind an Elixir app to 
> 80/443
> without running as root and he shared this:
> security.mac.portacl.rules=gid:2001:tcp:80,gid:2001:tcp:443
> We stuck that in sysctl.conf and that was that.

This is not so new: mac_portacl is here since 8.0-RELEASE.

> I wish FreeBSD still had the evangelism folks that would go out and
> tell the userbase and anyone else that would listen about all the cool
> new stuff. :)

Well, we still have Release Notes for every major or minor release.
Get a habit reading it once a release and you'll know it all.

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