Le Sun, 22 Jul 2018 15:53:41 +0200,
Lars Schotte <l...@gustik.eu> a écrit :


> Hey,
> I am on 
> 11.2-STABLE FreeBSD 11.2-STABLE #9 r336597
> Sun Jul 22 14:08:38 CEST 2018 
> and I see 2 problems with PF that are still there:
>  1.) set skip on lo 
>       does not work even though ifconfig lo matches.
> SOLVED TEMPORARILY BY: set skip on lo0

I've seen this while upgrading from 10.3 to 11.2-RELEASE. I've added
lo0 to set skip too.

When the problem occurs, lo is marked '(skip)' (pfctl -vs
Interfaces) but not lo0.

But I can't reproduce this, this happened only one time.

While I'm here, another small change is that pfctl -n does not work any
more without root credentials, I'm not sure if this is a bug or a
feature :

% pfctl -n -f /etc/pf.conf 
pfctl: pfi_get_ifaces: Bad file descriptor

% ls -lah /etc/pf.conf 
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    97B Jul 26 09:37 /etc/pf.conf


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