> I have a Ryzen system
> parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/HhycYT
> dmesg: http://dmesgd.nycbug.org/index.cgi?do=view&id=3516
> which I have been using for months without issue and on completely
> default settings.

Thats encouranging -= and I think you are the first person to report
that without any tweaking to the best of my recollection!

> What mobo do you have? Did you update the BIOS to the latest version?

MSI X370 Xpower Titanium - I upgraded to that one from my original choice
ater comments on this thread about power  which I hadnt considered (I
had also decided to buy a larger Ryzen 7). The BIOS is the latest version,
and I cleared CMOS to get the default settings. Memory is some Crucial
DDR4 3200 which is underclocked to 2133. This microprocessor itself
is a Ryzen 7 1700 (not X) which was made in week 33, so should not have the
hardware fault on it.

It's been stable over the weekend, as I posted in a different email, am
going to try and knock it over today with some tests if I can.

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