On Sat, 7 Oct 2017 15:20:19 +0100, tech-lists wrote:
> I have a freebsd 11-stable installation on a (gutless) netbook. What I'd like 
> is full functionality via the console[1]. One of the things it needs is some 
> graphics capability but without xorg. So I'm thinking, svga or libSDL. 
> For example, let's say to view a jpg file. If this is possible from the 
> console, 
> what program or port would one use to view a gif or jpg file?

Maybe something svgalib-based? With the new console "vt", you
basically are in graphics mode all the time, there is no text
mode anymore (that was "sc"). I know there was an image
viewer called zgv (console) + xzgv (X), with version 0.8_9
being the last usable version (prior to the "library shift"),
but this probably isn't being maintained anymore...

Still you might be successful finding a viewer that can
directly interface with the "vt" graphics mode...

> [1] by console, I mean the consoles accessed via alt-f1 to alt-f7 [2]
> [2] can the number of consoles be increased?

Yes. Edit /etc/ttys to spawn more gettys. See "man 5 ttys"
for details.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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