
as FreeBSD 10.4 will become RELEASE in a while and as 11.1 had became RELEASE 
not that while ago how one can tell what is the real difference between 10.4 
and 11.1 FreeBSD versions?

There are documents that show differences since last release like 11.1 Release 
Notes shows whats new since 11.0 or soon to be complete 10.4 Release Notes that 
will show what changed since 10.3, but not between 10.4 and 11.1.

I use FreeBSD since 2005 and I am more then familiar with FreeBSD, and I am not 
able to 'get' these differences ... I know only one difference about physical 
Wireless Network interfaces, that in 11.0 they show up as ** sysctl 
net.wlan.devices ** and not in **ifconfig** (opposite what OpenBSD is doing 
where even wpa_supplicant is not needed ad everything for wireless is done by 
ifconfig). I will remain silent about that 'brilliant idea', but how a newcomer 
can tell the difference?

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