On 08/01/17 04:52, Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:

On Sun, July 30, 2017 02:08, Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:

I was running 10.3-p7 on Atom hardware and using old samba36-3.6.25_1. All
was fine.

Then I updated to 11.1-R by recompiling from svn, using the same
kernelconfig from 10.3, and now my windows client shows timeouts and
really slow connection. File copy never past kilobytes per second :(

I am compiling a new samba packet from ports, but that slow is weird for
me, and I could not find any other cases on web search.



Hi guys,

I got this still going, where I installed a new Windows VM and same
problem. I reinstalled all ports and same problem. I use Windows shares
from another sources (not a VirtualBox VM) and all works fine.

Some help were said here https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/61813/, but
unfortunately I have no leads so far.

I will try to install some 10.3 box to try it out when I get some time and
a free machine.

If anyone has any clues.


Try comment out in smb4.conf the line:
"#   case sensitive = true"
Worked for me with samba44


Werner Grießl              D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany
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