Am 08.05.2017 um 17:42 schrieb HSR Hackspace:
> Hi folks;
> I'm trying to format a 300 GB partition on x86_64 box running running
> BSD 10.1 with HW  RAID configuration. All my attempt so far have
> failed. Below are the logs for same.
> Logs:
> 1. pod1208-wsa07:rtestuser 106] ./mkfs.ext3  /dev/da0p7
> mke2fs 1.43.4 (31-Jan-2017)
> Warning: could not erase sector 2: Invalid argument--------->

Please show the output of
$ env LANG= LANGUAGE= LC_ALL=C mkfs.ext3 -V

It should print 1.43.4 for the program _and the library_ (the latter
isn't shown above).

Then, please run mkfs.ext3 under truss, or under ktrace, and upload the
truss or kdump log somewhere and post the URL.
Do not mail the log, it's gonna be too big.

"Invalid argument" aka EINVAL looks like misaligned access.

Now, diskinfo provided the right sectorsize (4096), which it - as of
FreeBSD 10.3 - obtains with ioctl(fd, DIOCGSECTORSIZE, &sectorsize),
where sectorsize is a u_int, and unsigned int.

Which RAID device is it, what's its structure?

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