> Am 06.11.2016 um 22:14 schrieb Stefan Ehmann <shoes...@gmx.net>:
>> That is rather surprising.  Is there a normative reference for the
>> treatment of bracket expressions and character classes when using
>> locales other than C and/or encodings like UTF-8?
> I found an interesting article about this issue in gawk:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/Ranges-and-Locales.html
OK, I give up.  Back to jwz: "now you have two problems.ā€œ

Although with en_US.UTF-8 on other systems, I have not had that experience.  A 
quick check on stuff I have immediate access to:

macOS 10.12:
$ echo 'abcdABCD' | sed 's/[A-Z]/X/gā€™

Ubuntu 14.04.5
$ echo 'abcdABCD' | sed 's/[A-Z]/X/gā€™

FreeBSD 10-stable
$ echo 'abcdABCD' | sed 's/[A-Z]/X/g'


Stefan Bethke <s...@lassitu.de>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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