On 08/12/16 12:23, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> Hi!
>> I subscribe to the RSS feed of FreeBSD security advisories 
>> (http://vuxml.freebsd.org/freebsd/rss.xml). Today, it told me that there 
>> were forty-something advisories. I went to the VuXML site and saw that a 
>> stack of old entries have been updated to have today as their "Entry" 
>> date. What's the reason? Is it something to be worried about?
> No, as far as I know.
> Mark Feld added some VuXML entries to ancient bugs, for completeness.

Note that these are capturing the last several years worth of security
advisories for the base system into VuXML.  This allows you to say, for

   pkg audit FreeBSD-10.3_2

which will tell you about a number of security advisories which have
come out since 10.3-RELEASE-p2.  This is in anticipation of the base
system being packaged, which is due to come in with 11.1-RELEASE.

See Mark Felder's announcement on questions@:


As Mark says, this is not guaranteed to be either accurate or complete,
but it should be helpful in managing system upgrades.



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