On 17/06/2016 3:16 PM, Jason Zhang wrote:

I am working on storage service based on FreeBSD.  I look forward to a good 
result because many professional storage company use FreeBSD as its OS.  But I 
am disappointed with the Bad performance.  I tested the the performance of LSI 
MegaRAID 9260-8i and had the following bad result:

    1.  Test environment:
         (1) OS:   FreeBSD 10.0 release
         (2) Memory:  16G
         (3) RAID adapter:   LSI MegaRAID 9260-8i
         (4) Disks:  9 SAS hard drives (10000 rpm),  performance is expected 
for each hard drive
         (5) Test tools:   fio with  io-depth=1, thread num is 32 and block 
size is 64k or 1M
         (6)  RAID configuration:  RAID 5,   stripe size is 1M

   2.  Test result:
        (1)  write performance too bad:  20Mbytes/s throughput and 200 random 
write IOPS
        (2)  read performance is expected:  700Mbytes/s throughput and 1500 
random read IOPS

I tested the same hardware configuration with CentOS linux and Linux's write 
performance is 5 times better than FreeBSD.

Anyone encountered the same performance problem?  Does the mfi driver have 
performance issue or I should give up on FreeBSD?

Unfortunatley issues related to performance can often be very specific.
We use the LSI cards with great success under FreeBSD 8 in our product at work but it is impossible to say what is specifically wrong in your setup.

Some years ago I did discover that fio needed to have completely different arguments to get good performance under FreeBSD, so please check that first.

What does performance look like with a single large write stream?

Also look at the handling of interrupts (systat -vmstat) to ensure that interrupts are being handled correctly. that can vary greatly from motherboard to motherboard and bios to bios. (even between revisions). Sometimes Linux will cope differently with these issues as they have better support from the motherboard makers themselves.
(sometimes we cope better too).

One final thought.. make sure you have partitioned your drives and filesyste,s so that all the block boundaries agree and line up. At on place I worked we found we had accidentally partitioned all our drives starting 63 sectors into the drive. That did NOT work well. :-) 8k raid stripe writes were always 2 writes (and sometimes a read)

张京城   Jason

Cyphy  Technology  (Xiamen)  Co.Ltd.

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