On Thu, 28 Apr 2016 12:44+0500, Eugene M. Zheganin wrote:

> Hi.
> So, I'm still struggling with my problem when I cannot boot from a big
> zfs 2T pool (I have written some messages about a year ago, the whole
> story is too long and irrelevant to retell it, I'll only notice that I
> took the path where I'm about to boot from a separate zfs pool closer to
> the beginning of the disk).
> I've created such a smaller pool, called it zboot. I've read pjd@ letter
> explaining that when FreeBSD sees several bootable pools, it chooses the
> first one - that's fine with me, since the new pool partition's number
> is smaller than the big one. So, I created zboot, set the mountpoint to
> legacy, wrote the content to it's /boot directory (and yes, I did call
> the 'make installkernel DESTDIR=/zboot') and rebooted.

Are you sure /zboot/boot/zfsloader, /zboot/boot/kernel/kernel, 
/zboot/boot/kernel/opensolaris.ko, and /zboot/boot/kernel/zfs.ko 
exists when you manually mount the bootfs as /zboot?

What's the bootfs properties on these pools?

Run: zpool get bootfs

For both pools the bootfs property should probably be unset. I have 
never unset a bootfs property in my life, but maybe this will work:

zpool set bootfs= zboot
zpool set bootfs= zroot

I have a similar setup in a VM at home due to Oracle VirtualBox in EFI 
mode only presenting two drives at boot time, where 
zboot/BOOT/20160428-r298705 is set as the bootfs on the zboot pool, 
and the mountpoint is set to /bootpool.

Further, boot/loader.conf on the small bootfs redirects the kernel to 
use zroot/ROOT/20160428-r298705 as the rootfs, i.e. 
vfs.root.mountfrom="zfs:zroot/ROOT/20160428-r298705". The rootfs 
contains a symlink named boot, pointing to bootpool/boot.

"df / /bootpool" will show something similar to this:

zroot/ROOT/20160428-r298705  /
zboot/BOOT/20160428-r298705  /bootpool

> Strage thing happened next - I got
> Can't find /boot/zfsloader
> FreeBSD/x86 boot
> Default: zboot:/boot/kernel/kernel
> boot:
> |
> Can't find /boot/kernel/kernel
> I booted back from USB stick (that I'm using to boot my machine) and
> rechecked these files - everything mentioned here is in it's place.
> Does someone have the idea what I'm doing wrong ? May be this has
> something to do with the fact that zboot does contain only the /boot
> directory, and not the full rootfs ?
> Thanks.
> Eugene.

| Vennlig hilsen,               | Best regards,                      |
| Trond Endrestøl,              | Trond Endrestøl,                   |
| IT-ansvarlig,                 | System administrator,              |
| Fagskolen Innlandet,          | Gjøvik Technical College, Norway,  |
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