I recently upgraded a server from 10.2-RELEASE to 10.3-RC2.  The server
has ipfw configured and also has netwait enabled in rc.conf.  All was
good in 10.2-RELEASE.

Now, rc pauses during netwait for the full ${netwait_timeout} failing to
ping ${netwait_ip}, prints a WARNING about the network likely not being
properly up, then proceeds to enable the firewall and start other
components with varying degrees of success (now that the interfaces can
pass packets and has started configuring itself - think IPv6 SLAAC).
The netwait rc script used to "REQUIRE: NETWORKING", until r294680 when
(among other things) this happened...

 # PROVIDE: netwait
+# REQUIRE: devd routing
 # KEYWORD: nojail

Adding ipfw to the netwait REQUIRE list makes things work for me (see
Bug 207916) but I am sure there is more that ought to be taken into
account and perhaps the dependency ought to be resolved in a different

John Marshall

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