Bezüglich Ian Lepore's Nachricht vom 21.08.2015 00:34 (localtime):
> On Fri, 2015-07-24 at 15:19 +0200, Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:
>>  Bezglich Ian Lepore's Nachricht vom 12.07.2015 17:41 (localtime):
>>> And let's all just hope that a week or two of testing is enough when
>>> jumping a major piece of software forward several years in its
>>> independent evolution.
>> …
>>> I wonder how many other such things could be lurking in 4.2.8, waiting
>>> to be triggered by other peoples' non-stock configurations?  We've
>> …
>> I'd like to report one, most likely an upstream problem:
>> 'restrict' definitions in ntp.conf(5) no longer work with unqualified DNS 
>> names.
>> A line like
>> "restrict time1 nomodify nopeer noquery notrap"
>> results in:
>> ntpd[1913]: line 7 column 7 syntax error, unexpected T_Time1
>> ntpd[1913]: syntax error in /etc/ntp.conf line 7, column 7
>> I've always been using unqualified hostnames with 'restrict', and since 
>> defining 'server' with unqualified hostname still works, this seems to be a 
>> significant bug to me. People are forced to change 'restrict' definitions, 
>> but not to also change other unqualified definitions, which potentially 
>> leads to misconfigurations, since intentionally matching definitions can now 
>> differ easily.
>> Has anybody already noticed this problem? And any idea if upstream is aware?
> I had a quick look at this today.  It appears that the problem isn't
> unqualified names exactly, but rather an unqualified name that exactly
> matches an ntp.conf keyword will be mistaken by the ntpd config parser
> as a misplaced keyword token.  So most unqualified names should work,
> but there are about 200 words that won't, many of them very sensible
> names for ntp servers such as "ntp" and "time1" and "time2".
> When I look at the ntp_parser.y grammar file it's not clear to me why
> "server time1" works and "restrict time1" doesn't.  I couldn't find any
> way to trick it into taking a keyword as a hostname following restrict
> (like using quotes).

Thank you very much! This is very interesting and exactly matches my
tested host names.
I wish I had better C skills to find such things myself. Out of
curiosity: How much time took it to find the ntp_parser.y route? (and
with what “IDE” – I'm stuck with vim)

One additional observation was that the reserved-name-collision only
happens with CNAME records.
I hope I'll find some time to actually do look into sources - which I
didn't at first hand because of my lousy C skills :-( But that's the
place where to find hints :-)



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