On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, John Baldwin wrote:
> No, he's right.  sysinstall is definitely broken in this respect, and
> I'm definitely interested in your patches to fix it. :)

The patches are attached...

In either the case that no make.conf exists, or one exists without a
USA_RESIDENT line in it, the line is added, regardless of if I have
confirmed that the default NO is correct or not.

In the case that make.conf has a USA_RESIDENT line, I only overwrite that
line if the user has answered the question 'are you really a us resident'.

Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks.

  - Tim
Index: config.c
RCS file: /usr/CVS/src/release/sysinstall/config.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.156.2.3 config.c
*** config.c    2000/07/16 17:29:58
--- config.c    2000/07/23 22:38:29
*** 371,378 ****
      char *lines[MAX_LINES];
      int i, nlines;
      FILE *fp;
!     if (!file_readable(config)) {
        char *line = malloc(21);
        sprintf(line, "USA_RESIDENT=%s\n", USAResident ? "YES" : "NO");
        lines[0] = line;
--- 371,379 ----
      char *lines[MAX_LINES];
      int i, nlines;
      FILE *fp;
+     bool needResLine=TRUE;
!     if (!file_readable(config)) {  /* create initial file */
        char *line = malloc(21);
        sprintf(line, "USA_RESIDENT=%s\n", USAResident ? "YES" : "NO");
        lines[0] = line;
*** 384,393 ****
        for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
            if (!strncmp(lines[i], "USA_RESIDENT", 12)) {
!               free(lines[i]);
!               lines[i] = malloc(21);  /* big enough */
!               sprintf(lines[i], "USA_RESIDENT=%s\n", USAResident ? "YES" : "NO");
      if ((fp = fopen(config, "w")) != NULL) {
--- 385,402 ----
        for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
            if (!strncmp(lines[i], "USA_RESIDENT", 12)) {
!               if (USAResValid) {  /* we have asked, so lets overwrite */
!                   free(lines[i]);
!                   lines[i] = malloc(21);      /* big enough */
!                   sprintf(lines[i], "USA_RESIDENT=%s\n", USAResident ? "YES" : 
!               }
!               needResLine=FALSE;
+       }
+       if (needResLine) {  /* add USA_RESIDENT line to existing file */
+       char *line = malloc(21);
+       sprintf(line, "USA_RESIDENT=%s\n", USAResident ? "YES" : "NO");
+       lines[nlines++] = line;
      if ((fp = fopen(config, "w")) != NULL) {
Index: dist.c
RCS file: /usr/CVS/src/release/sysinstall/dist.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.175.2.2 dist.c
*** dist.c      2000/07/20 01:53:39
--- dist.c      2000/07/23 06:21:01
*** 405,410 ****
--- 405,411 ----
      USAResident = !msgYesNo("Are you actually resident in the United States?");
+     USAResValid = TRUE;
      return i | DITEM_REDRAW | DITEM_RESTORE;
Index: globals.c
RCS file: /usr/CVS/src/release/sysinstall/globals.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -c -r1.24 globals.c
*** globals.c   2000/03/12 03:57:25     1.24
--- globals.c   2000/07/23 06:20:24
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,54 ----
  Boolean               ColorDisplay;   /* Are we on a color display? */
  Boolean               OnVTY;          /* Are we on a VTY? */
  Boolean               USAResident;    /* Are we cryptographically challenged? */
+ Boolean               USAResValid;    /* Have we asked yet? */
  Variable      *VarHead;       /* The head of the variable chain */
  Device                *mediaDevice;   /* Where we're installing from */
  int           BootMgr;        /* Which boot manager we're using */
*** 70,73 ****
--- 71,75 ----
      mediaDevice = NULL;
      RunningAsInit = FALSE;
      USAResident = FALSE;
+     USAResValid = FALSE;
Index: sysinstall.h
RCS file: /usr/CVS/src/release/sysinstall/sysinstall.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.186.2.6 sysinstall.h
*** sysinstall.h        2000/07/21 20:43:48
--- sysinstall.h        2000/07/23 06:24:46
*** 347,352 ****
--- 347,353 ----
  extern Boolean                ColorDisplay;           /* Are we on a color display?  
  extern Boolean                OnVTY;                  /* On a syscons VTY?           
  Boolean                       USAResident;            /* Are we cryptographically 
challenged?         */
+ Boolean                       USAResValid;            /* Have we asked yet? */
  extern Variable               *VarHead;               /* The head of the variable 
chain               */
  extern Device         *mediaDevice;           /* Where we're getting our 
distribution from    */
  extern unsigned int   Dists;                  /* Which distributions we want         

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