        Long story short, I had a lot of mail spooled up in /var/spool. When I 
did ls /var/spool, ZFS chewed up almost all 12GB of my memory in <10 mins 
(because there were enough files there) and the system eventually panicked 
because [I assume that a memory allocation failed and] a trap 12 panic was 
caught. I don’t have the exact details, but it should be relatively easy to 
repro (YMMV if you have a boatload of RAM):

for i in $(seq 1 $repro_end); do mktemp tmp.XXXXXXXXXXXX; done

        This might be ameliorated via r281026, but this change is only 
available in CURRENT (so far), and I haven’t tested it.
        Are there any comments about this scalability issue with FreeBSD/ZFS?

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