> Warning: I don't know internals, I'm just a user.

but one who reads the doucmebtation closer than I do apparently :-)

> According to pf(4), FreeBSD 9.2 matches OpenBSD 4.5.
> Specifically, pfsync(4) says:
>   The pfsync protocol and kernel implementation were
>   significantly modified between OpenBSD 4.4 and OpenBSD
>   4.5.  The two protocols are incompatible and will not
>   interoperate.
> So I think your experience was predictable, more or less
> :-) Maybe the information deserves a more prominent place
> than a man page. The detailed release notes of 9.0 did
> mention the upgrade pf but not consequences of pfsync.

Thankyou! This completely passed me by. I will go ahead and upgrade
the other machine today in that case, as it should then all work
fine. Thanks very much for pointing this out, as it was worrying me somewhat!


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