On Sat, 28 Sep 2013, Ben Morrow wrote:
Quoth David Demelier <demelier.da...@gmail.com>:
I personally think (but you may totally disagree with) that an operating
system *is* an operating system. And I really hate easter eggs or
anything else not serious being integrated into the system. I think
about a new user installing FreeBSD 9.2, I would not imagine his
reaction front of this kind of "tribute" or whatever you call that. For
me it stands for "that's not serious, it looks like a toy".
Personally I thoroughly approve of a joke every now and then, as long as
it doesn't get out of hand.
The problem with humor is that it's subjective. Think of a joke that
lots of people found funny, but you did not. Now put that same joke
somewhere you will be forced to see it and be reminded of it often.
After a short time, it's not just unfunny, it's irritating. Or, as
someone once put it, "there's a fine line between clever and stupid."
So this kind of thing should be easily disabled. There should also be
some warning, so when people see a vastly different boot screen, their
first thought is not "was I hacked?".
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