> On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 08:53:31PM -0700, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> > Some updates:

> > I could see what happens if I try to boot the FreeBSD boot partition on the 
> > hard drive using the Super Grub Disk with chainloader.

> > If that works, it would boot FreeBSD 9.0-BETA1, but I would see if it works.

> > That failed (invalid signature).

> You probably need to chainload a freebsd-boot partition, _if_ you
> want to chainload at all.

I was trying to chainload the freebsd-boot partition!  But grub2 didn't like it.

> > I could also try
> > kfreebsd /boot/kernel/kernel

> > That failed to boot the proper partition, went to the debugger (db>), 
> > whereupon all I could type was "reboot".

>  You didn't get a mountroot prompt?  If you did you can try typing a
> question mark and return, that should list possible partitions to mount
> root from.  If you didn't, or you don't want to do this manually you
> need to set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:/dev/ada0p1 from grub2,
> or wherever your root partition is.

I remember pressing a key, but then the system rushed past the mountroot prompt 
into the debugger prompt.

> > Now can I safely install boot into the partition to be booted, as I did 
> > with NetBSD on USB stick?

> > gpart -p /boot/boot -i 3

> > That would be for /dev/ada0p3, but I am afraid of damaging something.

>  That would need to be on a freebsd-boot partition, and you want
> /boot/gptboot not /boot/boot.

I believe bsdlabel can be used to install boot code to a partition, but believe 
that is not for GPT.  I could try bsdlabel on a giant floppy image as I used 
installboot on a giant floppy image for NetBSD.

> Tom

>  HTH,
>         Juergen


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