On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 14:46:01 +0530
Tj Hariharan <t...@archlinux.us> wrote:

> Hmm, let me know how that goes, I'll probably try it too. How did you
> find the number '51200', and what does that value do?

I searched error message I was getting and found this thread:

I did not want to put the value blindly so i checked tuning:

It says "Values between 4096 and 32768 are recommended for machines with
greater amounts of memory". I had 25600 so I guessed I could double it and
see how it goes.

I am total layman, and am just sharing my experimentations. I
am not sure if they will get us any improvements. What else can I do when
there are 175 PRs currently open:

...and 90% of those are related to ath.

Marko Cupać
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