On 26/07/2013 20:37, Artem Belevich wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Dominic Fandrey <kamik...@bsdforen.de>wrote:
>> Amd exhibits several very strange behaviours.
>> a)
>> During the first start it writes the wrong PID into the pidfile,
>> it however still reacts to SIGTERM.
>> b)
>> After starting it again, it no longer reacts to SIGTERM.
> amd does block off signals in some of its sub-processes. For instance amd
> process that works as NFS server and handles amd mount points does block
> off INT/TERM/CHLD/HUP. See /usr/src/contrib/amd/amd/nfs_start.c

Didn't know that. But so sending signals to the process in the pidfile,
used to work™.

>> c)
>> It appear to be no longer reacting to SIGHUP, which is required to
>> tell it that the amd.map was updated.
> Try using 'amq -f' which would ask amd to reload its maps via RPC and
> should work regardless of whether you know the right PID.

amq -m or amq -p just hang there and do nothing right now. As soon as amd
is unbroken this is good to know, though.

Sending a SIGINFO:
load: 0.58  cmd: amq 6071 [kqread] 4.71r 0.00u 0.00s 0% 2132k

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