On 6/19/2013 21:21, Steven Hartland wrote:
You still need to test if stable/9 fixes your issue though as otherwise
you don't know if the issue your seeing has already been fixed, and if
its the old know ZFS vfs hang on shutdown, it has.

Thanks Steve, understood but probably not going to happen with this box. I can reboot this thing but it's our NAS and not a test bed. This problem on this machine isn't a big deal because its a server and not rebooted often (and easy to bring back). But I more was hoping it would let me easily test solutions to the issue since the other servers showing the issue are in client production with the mind that the VMs not use ZFS also show a similar/identical issue.... My gut says it appeared in/with 9.1 (We never saw this with 9.0 servers). It is also possible this is a different issue from those other servers and VMs.

How far away is 9.2? ;-P

Depending on how things go with Jeremy I'll probably have to wait this out unless I can get a test machine or VM where I can reproduce the issue AND upgrade it to -STABLE (again assuming it's even the same issue).
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