> There are ways you can speed up the replication time. I tend to flood a ser=
> ver with
> TCP while I've heard of it happening under UDP flood too.
> Here's a nice way to flood a server with TCP (assuming you have SSH access =
> to the
> system via keys):
> sh -c 'while :;do dd if=3D/dev/urandom of=3D/dev/stdout bs=3D1m count=3D102=
> 4 | ssh HOST2KILL /sbin/md5; done'
> Run that about 16 times in separate screen sessions from various other host=
> s on your network,
> taking care to replace "HOST2KILL" with the hostname or IP of the box with =
> the SunFire X2200.
> Let that run for a while, and then when you think you've had a reset (if yo=
> u weren't standing
> there watching for one)=85
> grep 'bge.*DOWN' /var/log/messages
> On a system that has booted and stayed up-and-running, there shouldn't be a=
> ny messages like this:
> bge0: link state changed to DOWN
> When you actually get this message (if your experience is like ours), you'l=
> l be down for 90 seconds
> while the NIC resets.
> However, since you say you have some older 9.1 releases=85 I'd start by fir=
> st trying to bring the
> replication time of the problem down by using TCP and/or UDP floods. That w=
> ay you'll be able to
> test for resolution of the problem as you progress up to stable/9 (where th=
> e problem should be fixed
> by the aforementioned SVN revisions -- specific to your hardware).
> any ideas?
> Well, you say the connection is OK=85 so it doesn't sound like a full reset=
>  as it
> was in our case (we have a different chipset).
> But I agree that a log full of those would be annoying.
> Try getting up to stable/9 in its current state (note: stable/8 also has al=
> l the
> aforementioned revisions too).
> --
> Devin
Hi Devin,
the kernel is pretty new, actually last Friday's, and the svn says
it's r250960.

the bg1 port is not UP, it's shared with the onboard BMC/ILO/IPMI thingy.
connecting to it via ssh gets me into it's ILO manager:
Sun(TM) Embedded Lights Out Manager

Copyright 2004-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Version 3.23
and so typing
        start AgentInfo/console
I can get to the 'serial' console.

cheers, and thanks,

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