On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 3:42 PM, John Mehr <j...@visi.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> svnup stores "known file" information in /tmp/svnup for each of the defined
> sections (current, stable, ports, etc.) and in the next update, it will be
> including the revision number in these files so that something like:
> # svnup stable -n
> would return the stable branch's last downloaded revision number and then
> exit.
> Because the current, stable and releng branches all use /usr/src by default,
> implementing a custom svnversion to inform newvers.sh of which revision
> exists in /usr/src would be problematic without leaving a small bread crumb
> there for newvers.sh to use.  If this is ok to do, I can include this in the
> next revision (which should be ready to go in the next couple of days).

Wouldn't /var/db/svnup be the proper place for the "bread crumb"?

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