On 19 Feb 2013 14:23, "Mikhail T." <mi+t...@aldan.algebra.com> wrote:
> 18.02.2013 15:26, Chris Rees написав(ла):
>> I'm sure you understand that our compiler in base is rather elderly,
>> and that a project as insanely huge as Libreoffice is going to be
>> highly sensitive to minute changes.
> No, Chris... I do not understand this wonderfully PR-esque response. See,
my understanding always was, the only possible reasons for a compiler to
produce a non-starting executable are:
> The code is buggy.
> The compiler is buggy.
> Both of the above.
> My question was, which is it?

My answer is that it is almost certainly (b).

You are welcome to ask upstream about it, but I doubt they would show much
interest in such an old compiler.

I think it's insanity that we still use this version for ports by default,
but never mind.

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