17.02.2013 01:25, Alan Cox wrote:

> Regardless of what that web site says, this is not really a race condition.  
> Instead, you're exhausting a resource in the kernel because of the 
> characteristics of your workload.  The kernel tries to handle this 
> gracefully, but in extreme cases, the kernel can't keep up with the demand.  
> Have you simply tried doing as the panic message suggests, i.e., increase 
> vm.pmap.shpgperproc?  Alternatively, you can increase vm.pmap.pv_entry_max to 
> more directly accomplish the same.
> That said, if possible, you should do as Adrian suggests and change your 
> Squid configuration to not use 500 helper processes.  That will allow a lot 
> more of your machine's physical memory to go to caching data rather 
> bookkeeping data structures in the kernel.

A warning in src/sys/i386/conf/NOTES scares me:

# Set the number of PV entries per process.  Increasing this can
# stop panics related to heavy use of shared memory.  However, that can
# (combined with large amounts of physical memory) cause panics at
# boot time due the kernel running out of VM space.
# If you're tweaking this, you might also want to increase the sysctls
# "vm.v_free_min", "vm.v_free_reserved", and "vm.v_free_target".
# The value below is the one more than the default.
options         PMAP_SHPGPERPROC=201

I guess, my 4G physical RAM is "large amount" for i386
so I'm afraid of remote server's kernel panic at boot time
as I have no idea how exaclty should I increase value of vm.pmap.shpgperproc?
What should be an increment?

Using concurrency extension means moving from squid-3.1 to squid-3.2,
I might try that too, thanks. I was not aware of this new feature in 3.2

Eugene Grosbein
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