FreeBSD 9.1-STABLE #2 r244942M: Tue Feb  5 21:54:29 CST 2013

(custom kernel is there to support PPS for my GPS clock)

Attempting to add a generic card that claims to have a Envy24DT chipset
in it; it identifies and loads under the snd_envy24ht driver as:

pci6: <multimedia, audio> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
pcm0: <Envy24HT audio (Generic)> port 0xcc00-0xcc1f,0xc880-0xc8ff irq 16
at device 0.0 on pci6
pcm0: system configuration
  SubVendorID: 0x1412, SubDeviceID: 0x2403
  XIN2 Clock Source: 24.576MHz(96kHz*256)
  MPU-401 UART(s) #: not implemented
  ADC #: 1 and SPDIF receiver connected
  DAC #: 4
  Multi-track converter type: AC'97(SDATA_OUT:packed)
  S/PDIF(IN/OUT): 1/1 ID# 0x00
  GPIO(mask/dir/state): 0xff/0xff/0xff

cat /dev/sndstat returns:

[root@NewFS /boot/kernel]# cat /dev/sndstat
FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm: 64bit 2009061500/amd64)
Installed devices:
pcm0: <Envy24HT audio (Generic)> at io 0xcc00:32,0xc880:128 irq 16
(1p:1v/5r:1v) default

So it appears it did attach properly.

But.... an attempt to output something to /dev/dsp0 looks like it is,
but nothing happens (no sound)


# sysctl -w hw.snd.verbose=2
# mpg123 some-mp3-file &
# sndstat | more

FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm: 64bit 2009061500/amd64)
Installed devices:
pcm0: <Envy24HT audio (Generic)> at io 0xcc00:32,0xc880:128 irq 16
(1p:1v/5r:1v) default
        [pcm0:play:dsp0.p0]: spd 48000, fmt 0x00200010, flags
0x00002108, 0x00000004
        interrupts 1343, underruns 0, feed 1343, ready 0
        channel flags=0x2108<TRIGGERED,BUSY,HAS_VCHAN>
        {userland} -> feeder_mixer(0x00200010) -> {hardware}
        pcm0:play:dsp0.p0[pcm0:virtual:dsp0.vp0]: spd 44100/48000, fmt
0x00200010, flags 0x1000012c, 0x00000029, pid 18573 (mpg123)
        interrupts 0, underruns 0, feed 1497, ready 65536
        channel flags=0x1000012c<RUNNING,TRIGGERED,SLEEPING,BUSY,VIRTUAL>
        {userland} -> feeder_root(0x00200010) ->
feeder_volume(0x00200010) -> feeder_rate(0x00200010 q:1 44100 -> 48000)
-> {hardware}


Says its running, and mpg123 has attached to it -- but no output.

Mixer says the volume is on:

[root@NewFS /boot/kernel]# mixer
Mixer vol      is currently set to  75:75
Mixer treble   is currently set to   0:0
Mixer synth    is currently set to   0:0
Mixer pcm      is currently set to  75:75
Mixer speaker  is currently set to   0:0
Mixer line     is currently set to  75:75
Mixer mic      is currently set to   0:0
Mixer cd       is currently set to   0:0
Mixer mix      is currently set to   0:0
Recording source: mic

Ideas for further troubleshooting?

-- Karl Denninger
/The Market Ticker ®/ <>
Cuda Systems LLC

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