On Fri, 2013-02-08 at 10:16 -0800, Jack Vogel wrote:
> For those that may have run across the story on Slashdot about this NIC,
> here is our statement:
> Recently there were a few stories published, based on a blog post by an
> end-user, suggesting specific network packets may cause the Intel® 82574L
> Gigabit Ethernet Controller to become unresponsive until corrected by a
> full platform power cycle.
> Intel was made aware of this issue in September 2012 by the blogs author.
> Intel worked with the author as well as the original motherboard
> manufacturer to investigate and determine root cause. Intel root caused the
> issue to the specific vendor’s mother board design where an incorrect
> EEPROM image was programmed during manufacturing.  We communicated the
> findings and recommended corrections to the motherboard manufacturer.
> It is Intel’s belief that this is an implementation issue isolated to a
> specific manufacturer, not a design problem with the Intel 82574L Gigabit
> Ethernet controller.  Intel has not observed this issue with any
> implementations which follow Intel’s published design guidelines.  Intel
> recommends contacting your motherboard manufacturer if you have continued
> concerns or questions whether your products are impacted.
> Here is the link:
> http://communities.intel.com/community/wired/blog/2013/02/07/intel-82574l-gigabit-ethernet-controller-statement
> Any questions or concerns may be sent to me.
> Cheers,
> Jack

Thanks for the info.  I'm sure there were some *interesting* debugging
sessions during this.  


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