FYI, I had a similar issue with dtterm coming into a FreeBSD box
from SCO UnixWare 7. 

DTTERM does color, but the DTTERM /etc/termcap didn't work for 

Adding the same lines to the dtterm termcap as for xterm-color fixed
it as well.


-- Start of PGP signed section.
> Matthew Hunt wrote:
> > Does anyone know why XFree86's xterm, as shipped, doesn't set
> > TERM to xterm-color?  Is it for fear of an xterm-color entry
> > not existing (either on the local machine, or machines you
> > telnet/ssh to from the xterm)?
> ok, next question.
> If that's the case, why don't we change our termcap so that "xterm" and
> "xterm-color" are the same thing, and "xterm-mono" is there for people
> who _reall_ don't want color, or have a monochrome display, or whatever.
> It seems really dumb not to have colour by default, but perhaps there's
> a good reason.
> /me runs away for fear of annoying people by even daring to suggest this.
> -- 
> Ben Smithurst                 / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
> FreeBSD Documentation Project /
-- End of PGP section, PGP failed!

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