On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 04:12:22PM +0100, Frank Staals wrote:
> This type of question has been asked quite a few times recently. At this
> point there is no svn version of csup, however there were people working
> on it (or at least: there is a svnsup project). For details please
> search recent ports or questions mailing list archives. As far as I know
> there is also no alternative svn-client. 

Pointer to svnsup is fine; it seems I just missed to the first hint.

> I'm kind of surprised for the need of this though. Why not simply use
> portsnap if you are not actively developing ports? 

Well, for ports this is mostly fine, though on several places I prefer 
to use csup (or svn now) even for ports, since I maintain quite a set of 
local patches - this sometimes gives problems together with potsnap. 
Where this is neede, I have a shared ports tree anyway, so the whole svn 
setup is only needed in one machine.

But my main concern is the system sources anyway. freebsd-update is not 
feasible for me, as described in the original post.

Thank you,

| Oliver Brandmueller          http://sysadm.in/         o...@sysadm.in |
|                        Ich bin das Internet. Sowahr ich Gott helfe. |
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