On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 11:04:04PM +0200, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> ...
> I'd say that what you see is impossible...

Well, I suppose it's small comfort, but that does make me feel a little
better about being a bit clueless about why this happened.  Thanks! :-}

> Could you please provide the following info from kgdb?
> p timehands
> p th0
> ...
> p th9
> disassemble tc_windup
> ...

Here you go, cut/pasted (though I elided the "---Type <return> to
continue, or q <return> to quit---" lines):

albert(9.1-P)[3] kgdb /boot/kernel/kernel.symbols vmcore.0
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Unread portion of the kernel message buffer:
kernel trap 12 with interrupts disabled

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
fault virtual address   = 0x34
fault code              = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer     = 0x20:0xc0ad475c
stack pointer           = 0x28:0xc6fba9d8
frame pointer           = 0x28:0xc6fbaa18
code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
                        = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags        = resume, IOPL = 0
current process         = 11 (idle: cpu0)
trap number             = 12
panic: page fault
Loaded symbols for /boot/kernel/drm.ko
#0  doadump (textdump=<value optimized out>) at pcpu.h:249
249     pcpu.h: No such file or directory.
        in pcpu.h
(kgdb) frame 7
#7  0xc0ad475c in tc_windup () at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_tc.c:450
450     /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_tc.c: No such file or directory.
        in /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_tc.c
Current language:  auto; currently minimal
(kgdb) p timehands
$1 = (struct timehands * volatile) 0xc11ba910
(kgdb) p th0
$2 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3989950369, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2057132249855343962}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 180944}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 180944041}, th_generation = 669311, 
  th_next = 0xc112a7e4}
(kgdb) p th1
$3 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3990015836, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2167819058537565778}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 186944}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 186944385}, th_generation = 669311, 
  th_next = 0xc112a820}
(kgdb) p th2
$4 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3990048555, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2223137947340682090}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 189943}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 189943228}, th_generation = 669311, 
  th_next = 0xc112a85c}
(kgdb) p th3
$5 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3990059490, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2241626044442123970}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 190945}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 190945470}, th_generation = 669311, 
  th_next = 0xc112a898}
(kgdb) p th4
$6 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3990070376, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2260031295932411698}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 191943}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 191943220}, th_generation = 669311, 
  th_next = 0xc112a8d4}
(kgdb) p th5
$7 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3990081323, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2278539681754952554}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 192946}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 192946562}, th_generation = 669311, 
  th_next = 0xc11ba910}
(kgdb) p th6
$8 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3989906722, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 1983337099038093506}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 176943}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 176943598}, th_generation = 669310, 
  th_next = 0xc112a94c}
(kgdb) p th7
$9 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3989927028, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2017668996591077394}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 178804}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 178804734}, th_generation = 669310, 
  th_next = 0xc112a988}
(kgdb) p th8
$10 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3989928549, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2020240591990372602}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 178944}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 178944140}, th_generation = 669310, 
  th_next = 0xc112a9c4}
(kgdb) p th9
$11 = {th_counter = 0xc115174c, th_adjustment = 51068786373500, 
  th_scale = 1690726758248, th_offset_count = 3989939440, th_offset = {
    sec = 25906, frac = 2038654297114451570}, th_microtime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_usec = 179942}, th_nanotime = {
    tv_sec = 1356376278, tv_nsec = 179942349}, th_generation = 669310, 
  th_next = 0xc112a7a8}
(kgdb) disassemble tc_windup
Dump of assembler code for function tc_windup:
0xc0ad4740 <tc_windup+0>:       push   %ebp
0xc0ad4741 <tc_windup+1>:       mov    %esp,%ebp
0xc0ad4743 <tc_windup+3>:       and    $0xfffffff8,%esp
0xc0ad4749 <tc_windup+9>:       push   %ebx
0xc0ad474a <tc_windup+10>:      push   %edi
0xc0ad474b <tc_windup+11>:      push   %esi
0xc0ad474c <tc_windup+12>:      sub    $0x34,%esp
0xc0ad474f <tc_windup+15>:      mov    0xc112a6c8,%ecx
0xc0ad4755 <tc_windup+21>:      mov    %ecx,0x14(%esp)
0xc0ad4759 <tc_windup+25>:      mov    0x38(%ecx),%ebx
0xc0ad475c <tc_windup+28>:      mov    0x34(%ebx),%eax
0xc0ad475f <tc_windup+31>:      mov    %eax,0x1c(%esp)
0xc0ad4763 <tc_windup+35>:      movl   $0x0,0x34(%ebx)
0xc0ad476a <tc_windup+42>:      mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)
0xc0ad476e <tc_windup+46>:      mov    %ecx,(%esp)
0xc0ad4771 <tc_windup+49>:      movl   $0x34,0x8(%esp)
0xc0ad4779 <tc_windup+57>:      call   0xc0e32f14 <bcopy>
0xc0ad477e <tc_windup+62>:      mov    (%ebx),%esi
0xc0ad4780 <tc_windup+64>:      mov    %esi,(%esp)
0xc0ad4783 <tc_windup+67>:      call   *(%esi)
0xc0ad4785 <tc_windup+69>:      mov    %eax,%edi
0xc0ad4787 <tc_windup+71>:      mov    (%ebx),%eax
0xc0ad4789 <tc_windup+73>:      mov    0x14(%ebx),%ecx
0xc0ad478c <tc_windup+76>:      sub    %ecx,%edi
0xc0ad478e <tc_windup+78>:      and    0x8(%esi),%edi
0xc0ad4791 <tc_windup+81>:      mov    %eax,%esi
0xc0ad4793 <tc_windup+83>:      xor    %eax,%eax
0xc0ad4795 <tc_windup+85>:      mov    0xc112a5f8,%edx
0xc0ad479b <tc_windup+91>:      cmp    %edx,%esi
0xc0ad479d <tc_windup+93>:      je     0xc0ad47a9 <tc_windup+105>
0xc0ad479f <tc_windup+95>:      mov    %edx,(%esp)
0xc0ad47a2 <tc_windup+98>:      call   *(%edx)
0xc0ad47a4 <tc_windup+100>:     mov    (%ebx),%esi
0xc0ad47a6 <tc_windup+102>:     mov    0x14(%ebx),%ecx
0xc0ad47a9 <tc_windup+105>:     mov    %eax,0x18(%esp)
0xc0ad47ad <tc_windup+109>:     add    %edi,%ecx
0xc0ad47af <tc_windup+111>:     mov    %ecx,0x14(%ebx)
0xc0ad47b2 <tc_windup+114>:     and    0x8(%esi),%ecx
0xc0ad47b5 <tc_windup+117>:     mov    %ecx,0x14(%ebx)
0xc0ad47b8 <tc_windup+120>:     mov    0xc(%esi),%ecx
0xc0ad47bb <tc_windup+123>:     mov    0x10(%esi),%eax
0xc0ad47be <tc_windup+126>:     cmp    %ecx,%edi
0xc0ad47c0 <tc_windup+128>:     setbe  %dl
0xc0ad47c3 <tc_windup+131>:     test   %eax,%eax
0xc0ad47c5 <tc_windup+133>:     je     0xc0ad47c9 <tc_windup+137>
0xc0ad47c7 <tc_windup+135>:     mov    $0x1,%dl
0xc0ad47c9 <tc_windup+137>:     movl   $0x0,0x24(%esp)
0xc0ad47d1 <tc_windup+145>:     test   %dl,%dl
0xc0ad47d3 <tc_windup+147>:     jne    0xc0ad4807 <tc_windup+199>
0xc0ad47d5 <tc_windup+149>:     mov    0x18(%ebx),%edx
0xc0ad47d8 <tc_windup+152>:     mov    %ebx,%esi
0xc0ad47da <tc_windup+154>:     movl   $0x0,0x24(%esp)
0xc0ad47e2 <tc_windup+162>:     nop    
0xc0ad47e3 <tc_windup+163>:     nop    
0xc0ad47e4 <tc_windup+164>:     nop    
0xc0ad47e5 <tc_windup+165>:     nop    
0xc0ad47e6 <tc_windup+166>:     nop    
0xc0ad47e7 <tc_windup+167>:     nop    
0xc0ad47e8 <tc_windup+168>:     nop    
0xc0ad47e9 <tc_windup+169>:     nop    
0xc0ad47ea <tc_windup+170>:     nop    
0xc0ad47eb <tc_windup+171>:     nop    
0xc0ad47ec <tc_windup+172>:     nop    
0xc0ad47ed <tc_windup+173>:     nop    
0xc0ad47ee <tc_windup+174>:     nop    
0xc0ad47ef <tc_windup+175>:     nop    
0xc0ad47f0 <tc_windup+176>:     sub    %ecx,%edi
0xc0ad47f2 <tc_windup+178>:     cmp    %ecx,%edi
0xc0ad47f4 <tc_windup+180>:     seta   %bl
0xc0ad47f7 <tc_windup+183>:     test   %eax,%eax
0xc0ad47f9 <tc_windup+185>:     je     0xc0ad47fd <tc_windup+189>
0xc0ad47fb <tc_windup+187>:     xor    %bl,%bl
0xc0ad47fd <tc_windup+189>:     inc    %edx
0xc0ad47fe <tc_windup+190>:     test   %bl,%bl
0xc0ad4800 <tc_windup+192>:     jne    0xc0ad47f0 <tc_windup+176>
0xc0ad4802 <tc_windup+194>:     mov    %esi,%ebx
0xc0ad4804 <tc_windup+196>:     mov    %edx,0x18(%ebx)
0xc0ad4807 <tc_windup+199>:     shrd   $0x1,%eax,%ecx
0xc0ad480b <tc_windup+203>:     cmp    %ecx,%edi
0xc0ad480d <tc_windup+205>:     setbe  %dl
0xc0ad4810 <tc_windup+208>:     shr    %eax
0xc0ad4812 <tc_windup+210>:     cmp    %eax,0x24(%esp)
0xc0ad4816 <tc_windup+214>:     setbe  %al
0xc0ad4819 <tc_windup+217>:     je     0xc0ad481d <tc_windup+221>
0xc0ad481b <tc_windup+219>:     mov    %al,%dl
0xc0ad481d <tc_windup+221>:     mov    0xc(%ebx),%ecx
0xc0ad4820 <tc_windup+224>:     mov    0x10(%ebx),%esi
0xc0ad4823 <tc_windup+227>:     test   %dl,%dl
0xc0ad4825 <tc_windup+229>:     jne    0xc0ad4840 <tc_windup+256>
0xc0ad4827 <tc_windup+231>:     mov    %ecx,%eax
0xc0ad4829 <tc_windup+233>:     mul    %edi
0xc0ad482b <tc_windup+235>:     mov    %ecx,%eax
0xc0ad482d <tc_windup+237>:     imul   0x24(%esp),%eax
0xc0ad4832 <tc_windup+242>:     add    %edx,%eax
0xc0ad4834 <tc_windup+244>:     mov    %esi,%edx
0xc0ad4836 <tc_windup+246>:     imul   %edi,%edx
0xc0ad4839 <tc_windup+249>:     add    %eax,%edx
0xc0ad483b <tc_windup+251>:     js     0xc0ad4840 <tc_windup+256>
0xc0ad483d <tc_windup+253>:     incl   0x18(%ebx)
0xc0ad4840 <tc_windup+256>:     mov    %ecx,%eax
0xc0ad4842 <tc_windup+258>:     mul    %edi
0xc0ad4844 <tc_windup+260>:     mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)
0xc0ad4848 <tc_windup+264>:     mov    %ecx,%edx
0xc0ad484a <tc_windup+266>:     mov    0x24(%esp),%ecx
0xc0ad484e <tc_windup+270>:     imul   %edx,%ecx
0xc0ad4851 <tc_windup+273>:     add    0x10(%esp),%ecx
0xc0ad4855 <tc_windup+277>:     imul   %edi,%esi
0xc0ad4858 <tc_windup+280>:     add    %ecx,%esi
0xc0ad485a <tc_windup+282>:     mov    0x1c(%ebx),%edx
0xc0ad485d <tc_windup+285>:     mov    0x20(%ebx),%ecx
0xc0ad4860 <tc_windup+288>:     add    %edx,%eax
0xc0ad4862 <tc_windup+290>:     mov    %eax,0x1c(%ebx)
0xc0ad4865 <tc_windup+293>:     adc    %ecx,%esi
0xc0ad4867 <tc_windup+295>:     mov    %esi,0x20(%ebx)
0xc0ad486a <tc_windup+298>:     cmp    %edx,%eax
0xc0ad486c <tc_windup+300>:     setb   %al
0xc0ad486f <tc_windup+303>:     cmp    %ecx,%esi
0xc0ad4871 <tc_windup+305>:     setb   %cl
0xc0ad4874 <tc_windup+308>:     je     0xc0ad4878 <tc_windup+312>
0xc0ad4876 <tc_windup+310>:     mov    %cl,%al
0xc0ad4878 <tc_windup+312>:     lea    0x18(%ebx),%esi
0xc0ad487b <tc_windup+315>:     test   %al,%al
0xc0ad487d <tc_windup+317>:     mov    0x14(%esp),%edi
0xc0ad4881 <tc_windup+321>:     je     0xc0ad4885 <tc_windup+325>
0xc0ad4883 <tc_windup+323>:     incl   (%esi)
0xc0ad4885 <tc_windup+325>:     mov    (%edi),%eax
0xc0ad4887 <tc_windup+327>:     mov    0x4(%eax),%ecx
0xc0ad488a <tc_windup+330>:     test   %ecx,%ecx
0xc0ad488c <tc_windup+332>:     je     0xc0ad4893 <tc_windup+339>
0xc0ad488e <tc_windup+334>:     mov    %eax,(%esp)
0xc0ad4891 <tc_windup+337>:     call   *%ecx
0xc0ad4893 <tc_windup+339>:     mov    0x8(%esi),%eax
0xc0ad4896 <tc_windup+342>:     mov    %eax,0x30(%esp)
0xc0ad489a <tc_windup+346>:     mov    (%esi),%eax
0xc0ad489c <tc_windup+348>:     mov    0x4(%esi),%ecx
0xc0ad489f <tc_windup+351>:     mov    %ecx,0x2c(%esp)
0xc0ad48a3 <tc_windup+355>:     mov    %eax,0x28(%esp)
0xc0ad48a7 <tc_windup+359>:     mov    0x2c(%esp),%edx
0xc0ad48ab <tc_windup+363>:     mov    0x30(%esp),%eax
0xc0ad48af <tc_windup+367>:     mov    0xc11f65b8,%esi
0xc0ad48b5 <tc_windup+373>:     add    %edx,%esi
0xc0ad48b7 <tc_windup+375>:     mov    0xc11f65bc,%ecx
0xc0ad48bd <tc_windup+381>:     adc    %eax,%ecx
0xc0ad48bf <tc_windup+383>:     mov    %ecx,0x30(%esp)
0xc0ad48c3 <tc_windup+387>:     mov    %esi,0x2c(%esp)
0xc0ad48c7 <tc_windup+391>:     cmp    %edx,%esi
0xc0ad48c9 <tc_windup+393>:     setb   %dl
0xc0ad48cc <tc_windup+396>:     cmp    %eax,%ecx
0xc0ad48ce <tc_windup+398>:     setb   %al
0xc0ad48d1 <tc_windup+401>:     je     0xc0ad48d5 <tc_windup+405>
0xc0ad48d3 <tc_windup+403>:     mov    %al,%dl
0xc0ad48d5 <tc_windup+405>:     mov    0x28(%esp),%esi
0xc0ad48d9 <tc_windup+409>:     test   %dl,%dl
0xc0ad48db <tc_windup+411>:     je     0xc0ad48e2 <tc_windup+418>
0xc0ad48dd <tc_windup+413>:     inc    %esi
0xc0ad48de <tc_windup+414>:     mov    %esi,0x28(%esp)
0xc0ad48e2 <tc_windup+418>:     add    0xc11f65b4,%esi
0xc0ad48e8 <tc_windup+424>:     mov    %esi,0x28(%esp)
0xc0ad48ec <tc_windup+428>:     mov    %esi,%eax
0xc0ad48ee <tc_windup+430>:     sub    0x24(%edi),%eax
0xc0ad48f1 <tc_windup+433>:     mov    $0x2,%edi
0xc0ad48f6 <tc_windup+438>:     cmp    $0xc8,%eax
0xc0ad48fb <tc_windup+443>:     jg     0xc0ad48ff <tc_windup+447>
0xc0ad48fd <tc_windup+445>:     mov    %eax,%edi
0xc0ad48ff <tc_windup+447>:     test   %edi,%edi
0xc0ad4901 <tc_windup+449>:     jle    0xc0ad4943 <tc_windup+515>
0xc0ad4903 <tc_windup+451>:     mov    %ebx,0x20(%esp)
0xc0ad4907 <tc_windup+455>:     lea    0x4(%ebx),%ebx
0xc0ad490a <tc_windup+458>:     nop    
0xc0ad490b <tc_windup+459>:     nop    
0xc0ad490c <tc_windup+460>:     nop    
0xc0ad490d <tc_windup+461>:     nop    
0xc0ad490e <tc_windup+462>:     nop    
0xc0ad490f <tc_windup+463>:     nop    
0xc0ad4910 <tc_windup+464>:     lea    0x28(%esp),%eax
0xc0ad4914 <tc_windup+468>:     mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)
0xc0ad4918 <tc_windup+472>:     mov    %ebx,(%esp)
0xc0ad491b <tc_windup+475>:     call   0xc0ab58c0 <ntp_update_second>
0xc0ad4920 <tc_windup+480>:     mov    0x28(%esp),%eax
0xc0ad4924 <tc_windup+484>:     cmp    %esi,%eax
0xc0ad4926 <tc_windup+486>:     je     0xc0ad4932 <tc_windup+498>
0xc0ad4928 <tc_windup+488>:     mov    %eax,%ecx
0xc0ad492a <tc_windup+490>:     sub    %esi,%ecx
0xc0ad492c <tc_windup+492>:     add    %ecx,0xc11f65b4
0xc0ad4932 <tc_windup+498>:     dec    %edi
0xc0ad4933 <tc_windup+499>:     test   %edi,%edi
0xc0ad4935 <tc_windup+501>:     mov    %eax,%esi
0xc0ad4937 <tc_windup+503>:     jg     0xc0ad4910 <tc_windup+464>
0xc0ad4939 <tc_windup+505>:     mov    0x30(%esp),%ecx
0xc0ad493d <tc_windup+509>:     mov    0x20(%esp),%ebx
0xc0ad4941 <tc_windup+513>:     jmp    0xc0ad4945 <tc_windup+517>
0xc0ad4943 <tc_windup+515>:     mov    %esi,%eax
0xc0ad4945 <tc_windup+517>:     mov    %eax,0x24(%ebx)
0xc0ad4948 <tc_windup+520>:     mov    $0xf4240,%edx
0xc0ad494d <tc_windup+525>:     mov    %ecx,%eax
0xc0ad494f <tc_windup+527>:     mul    %edx
0xc0ad4951 <tc_windup+529>:     mov    %edx,0x28(%ebx)
0xc0ad4954 <tc_windup+532>:     mov    0x28(%esp),%eax
0xc0ad4958 <tc_windup+536>:     mov    %eax,0x2c(%ebx)
0xc0ad495b <tc_windup+539>:     mov    $0x3b9aca00,%edx
0xc0ad4960 <tc_windup+544>:     mov    %ecx,%eax
0xc0ad4962 <tc_windup+546>:     mul    %edx
0xc0ad4964 <tc_windup+548>:     mov    %edx,0x30(%ebx)
0xc0ad4967 <tc_windup+551>:     mov    (%ebx),%eax
0xc0ad4969 <tc_windup+553>:     mov    0xc112a5f8,%esi
0xc0ad496f <tc_windup+559>:     cmp    %esi,%eax
0xc0ad4971 <tc_windup+561>:     je     0xc0ad49fa <tc_windup+698>
0xc0ad4977 <tc_windup+567>:     testb  $0x1,0x1c(%esi)
0xc0ad497b <tc_windup+571>:     je     0xc0ad4983 <tc_windup+579>
0xc0ad497d <tc_windup+573>:     incl   0xc11bde70
0xc0ad4983 <tc_windup+579>:     testb  $0x1,0x1c(%eax)
0xc0ad4987 <tc_windup+583>:     je     0xc0ad498f <tc_windup+591>
0xc0ad4989 <tc_windup+585>:     decl   0xc11bde70
0xc0ad498f <tc_windup+591>:     mov    %esi,(%ebx)
0xc0ad4991 <tc_windup+593>:     mov    0x18(%esp),%eax
0xc0ad4995 <tc_windup+597>:     mov    %eax,0x14(%ebx)
0xc0ad4998 <tc_windup+600>:     mov    %ebx,0x20(%esp)
0xc0ad499c <tc_windup+604>:     mov    0xc112a5f8,%ebx
0xc0ad49a2 <tc_windup+610>:     mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax
0xc0ad49a5 <tc_windup+613>:     mov    0xc(%ebx),%edi
0xc0ad49a8 <tc_windup+616>:     add    $0x1,%eax
0xc0ad49ab <tc_windup+619>:     mov    %eax,(%esp)
0xc0ad49ae <tc_windup+622>:     sbb    %eax,%eax
0xc0ad49b0 <tc_windup+624>:     and    $0x1,%eax
0xc0ad49b3 <tc_windup+627>:     mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)
0xc0ad49b7 <tc_windup+631>:     movl   $0x0,0xc(%esp)
0xc0ad49bf <tc_windup+639>:     movl   $0x3,0x8(%esp)
0xc0ad49c7 <tc_windup+647>:     call   0xc0e3ed30 <__udivdi3>
0xc0ad49cc <tc_windup+652>:     mov    0x10(%ebx),%ecx
0xc0ad49cf <tc_windup+655>:     mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)
0xc0ad49d3 <tc_windup+659>:     mov    %edi,(%esp)
0xc0ad49d6 <tc_windup+662>:     mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)
0xc0ad49da <tc_windup+666>:     mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)
0xc0ad49de <tc_windup+670>:     mov    $0x1,%edi
0xc0ad49e3 <tc_windup+675>:     call   0xc0e3ed30 <__udivdi3>
0xc0ad49e8 <tc_windup+680>:     test   %eax,%eax
0xc0ad49ea <tc_windup+682>:     je     0xc0ad49ee <tc_windup+686>
0xc0ad49ec <tc_windup+684>:     mov    %eax,%edi
0xc0ad49ee <tc_windup+686>:     mov    %edi,0xc112a5fc
0xc0ad49f4 <tc_windup+692>:     mov    0x20(%esp),%ebx
0xc0ad49f8 <tc_windup+696>:     jmp    0xc0ad49fc <tc_windup+700>
0xc0ad49fa <tc_windup+698>:     mov    %eax,%esi
0xc0ad49fc <tc_windup+700>:     mov    0xc(%esi),%eax
0xc0ad49ff <tc_windup+703>:     mov    0x10(%esi),%ecx
0xc0ad4a02 <tc_windup+706>:     mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)
0xc0ad4a06 <tc_windup+710>:     mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)
0xc0ad4a0a <tc_windup+714>:     mov    0x8(%ebx),%ecx
0xc0ad4a0d <tc_windup+717>:     mov    %ecx,%eax
0xc0ad4a0f <tc_windup+719>:     sar    $0x1f,%eax
0xc0ad4a12 <tc_windup+722>:     shr    $0x16,%eax
0xc0ad4a15 <tc_windup+725>:     add    0x4(%ebx),%eax
0xc0ad4a18 <tc_windup+728>:     adc    $0x0,%ecx
0xc0ad4a1b <tc_windup+731>:     shrd   $0xa,%ecx,%eax
0xc0ad4a1f <tc_windup+735>:     mov    $0x897,%edx
0xc0ad4a24 <tc_windup+740>:     mul    %edx
0xc0ad4a26 <tc_windup+742>:     mov    %eax,(%esp)
0xc0ad4a29 <tc_windup+745>:     sar    $0xa,%ecx
0xc0ad4a2c <tc_windup+748>:     imul   $0x897,%ecx,%eax
0xc0ad4a32 <tc_windup+754>:     add    %edx,%eax
0xc0ad4a34 <tc_windup+756>:     xor    $0x80000000,%eax
0xc0ad4a39 <tc_windup+761>:     mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)
0xc0ad4a3d <tc_windup+765>:     call   0xc0e3ed30 <__udivdi3>
0xc0ad4a42 <tc_windup+770>:     add    %eax,%eax
0xc0ad4a44 <tc_windup+772>:     mov    %eax,0xc(%ebx)
0xc0ad4a47 <tc_windup+775>:     adc    %edx,%edx
0xc0ad4a49 <tc_windup+777>:     mov    %edx,0x10(%ebx)
0xc0ad4a4c <tc_windup+780>:     mov    0x1c(%esp),%ecx
0xc0ad4a50 <tc_windup+784>:     inc    %ecx
0xc0ad4a51 <tc_windup+785>:     mov    $0x1,%eax
0xc0ad4a56 <tc_windup+790>:     test   %ecx,%ecx
0xc0ad4a58 <tc_windup+792>:     je     0xc0ad4a5c <tc_windup+796>
0xc0ad4a5a <tc_windup+794>:     mov    %ecx,%eax
0xc0ad4a5c <tc_windup+796>:     mov    %eax,0x34(%ebx)
0xc0ad4a5f <tc_windup+799>:     mov    0x24(%ebx),%eax
0xc0ad4a62 <tc_windup+802>:     mov    %eax,0xc112a600
0xc0ad4a67 <tc_windup+807>:     mov    0x18(%ebx),%eax
0xc0ad4a6a <tc_windup+810>:     mov    %eax,0xc112a604
0xc0ad4a6f <tc_windup+815>:     mov    %ebx,0xc112a6c8
0xc0ad4a75 <tc_windup+821>:     call   0xc0ac6670 <timekeep_push_vdso>
0xc0ad4a7a <tc_windup+826>:     add    $0x34,%esp
0xc0ad4a7d <tc_windup+829>:     pop    %esi
0xc0ad4a7e <tc_windup+830>:     pop    %edi
0xc0ad4a7f <tc_windup+831>:     pop    %ebx
0xc0ad4a80 <tc_windup+832>:     mov    %ebp,%esp
0xc0ad4a82 <tc_windup+834>:     pop    %ebp
0xc0ad4a83 <tc_windup+835>:     ret    
End of assembler dump.

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
Taliban: Evil men with guns afraid of truth from a 14-year old girl.

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

Attachment: pgpjyvwChEKhL.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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