Hi All,

I just finished upgrading as the subject line says, and I've noticed two

1) On boot I get the message:
module_register: module netgraph already exists!
linker_file_sysinit "netgraph.ko" failed to register! 17
I use my box as a router to distribute a DSL PPPoE feed to some windows
machines with nat and user ppp.  Things seem to still work fine, but the
message makes me uneasy.

2)  My kernel grew from ~2.5MB to over 10MB after the upgrade.  kldstat -v
looks about the same, and my config file hasn't changed at all.

bash-2.03$ uname -a
FreeBSD scarlet 4.1-RC FreeBSD 4.1-RC #10: Sun Jul 16 20:26:32 PDT 2000
timothyr@scarlet:/usr/src/sys/compile/DSLROUTE  i386

Any pointers appreciated.


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