On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Zoran Kolic <zko...@sbb.rs> wrote:
> Dear list!
> For a long time I used powerd and cpufreq with options:
> performance_cx_lowest="LOW"
> economy_cx_lowest="LOW"
> in rc.conf on my laptop.
> Reading posts on the net I learned that I have/had to use
> C2 and C3. What would be the preffered option in coming
> 9.1? There is a chance I misread the whole thing.
> On old desktop I avoided cx part, but gonna try in out
> now. Also, I'd like to learn what the list thinks about
> throttle option set to 1.
> Any news on 9.1 schedule?

No news on the schedule, but with 9.1 Beta, the code has finally been
fixed to deal with several issues and the correct answer is:

And, no, I don't recall where it is documented, only that I could not
find it and the Andriy, the developer, told me in response to my query
on acpi@. I can tell you that it works correctly on my ThinkPad T520.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: kob6...@gmail.com
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