> > igb+lagg worked for us on 8.3.  Haven't tried it since moving to 9.0
> > and 9-STABLE on those three boxes.
> >
> > igb+lagg doesn't work for him on 9.0.  Although, I don't recall if
> > non-LACP options were tried earlier in this thread, or if it's just
> > the LACP mode that's failing.  If one mode works (say failover) and
> > LACP mode doesn't, that "seems to" point to lagg.
> >
> > I'll see if I can free up an igb port on my 9.0 and 9-STABLE boxes to
> > test this with as well.
> >
> >
> I wouldn't use 9.0, go with 9.1 RC or whatever has the latest igb code,
> if you see the issue there I can see about getting some time to look into
> it here.
> Jack

We're running igb + lagg on two interfaces here at Yahoo without issues
like this.  We're using LACP exclusively with Cisco switches.  If you're
seeing failover issues, I wonder if its the switch you're using as
opposed to the host and ethernet card?  Just a shot in the dark here.


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