I had occasion yesterday to install FreeBSD on a machine (an HP Compaq
dx7200 Slim Tower) that had never (AFAIK) had FreeBSD installed on it.

Since I don't often use the installer, I thought it might be good to try
the 9.1-RC1 installer.

While the exercise was ultimately successful, I needed to make use of
additional hardware (including a second FreeBSD machine -- my laptop) to
complete it.  Had I been trying to install with just the target machine
and the USB drive (memstick), as far as I can tell, I would have ended
up with a brick.

I like to set up machines with a minimum of 3 slices -- e.g.:

albert(8.3-S)[2] df -ht ufs
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad4s1a    1.5G    363M      1G    27%    /
/dev/ad4s1d    3.4G    378M    2.8G    12%    /usr
/dev/ad4s3d    7.8G    3.9G    3.3G    54%    /var
/dev/ad4s3e     96G     45G     42G    52%    /common

While that only shows 2 of the slices, slice 2 is set up like slice 1
is; an excerpt from fstab:

albert(8.3-S)[3] grep ufs /etc/fstab
/dev/ad4s1a             /               ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/ad4s1d             /usr            ufs     ro              2       2
/dev/ad4s2a             /S2             ufs     rw,noauto       2       2
/dev/ad4s2d             /S2/usr         ufs     rw,noauto       2       2
/dev/ad4s3d             /var            ufs     rw              2       2
/dev/ad4s3e             /common         ufs     rw              2       2

When I am about to upgrade such a machine -- albert, there, generally
gets updated weekly -- I "clone" the / and /usr file systems from
the currently-booted slice to the other one, reboot from the copy, and
upgrade it in place.  If I have a problem, I can boot from the slice that
it had been booted from before I started the upgrade, lick my wounds,
and figure out what to do next.  (Granted, it's very rare that I need to
do that -- but I very much like having the ability to do so.)

Accordingly, when I was to install 9.1-RC1 on the HPaq, the first slient
(to the above) thing I recall noticing was that the installer was
referring to "partitions" (in the context of reserving space for "other
Operating Systems") which confused me a great deal: I thought those were

It was fairly obvious (even to me) that the "automatic" option wouldn't
suit my purposes; after a false start, I managed to use the Manual
approach & set up the 3 slices; here's what "gpart show" says about it
(now that it works):

=>       63  156249937  ada0  MBR  (74G)
         63   20971503     1  freebsd  [active]  (10G)
   20971566   20971503     2  freebsd  (10G)
   41943069  113246154     3  freebsd  (54G)
  155189223    1060777        - free -  (518M)

=>       0  20971503  ada0s1  BSD  (10G)
         0   4194304       1  freebsd-ufs  (2.0G)
   4194304  16777198       2  freebsd-ufs  (8G)
  20971502         1          - free -  (512B)

=>       0  20971503  ada0s2  BSD  (10G)
         0   4194304       1  freebsd-ufs  (2.0G)
   4194304  16777198       2  freebsd-ufs  (8G)
  20971502         1          - free -  (512B)

=>        0  113246154  ada0s3  BSD  (54G)
          0   12582912       1  freebsd-swap  (6.0G)
   12582912   41943040       2  freebsd-ufs  (20G)
   54525952   58720201       4  freebsd-ufs  (28G)
  113246153          1          - free -  (512B)

The first fairly major problem occurred once the installation was
complete: I rebooted the system... or tried to.  It wouldn't boot, and I
couldn't even get the machine to go into BIOS "setup" mode (still can't,
for that matter).

I pulled the disk drive, then connected it to my laptop via one of
those UCB <=> SATA adaptors; "gpart show" showed that slice 3 (ada0s3)
was marked "active".


I don't recall a point during the install where I had a chance to
actually mention which slice I might want active.  And absent other
clues, I would have expected the slice that contained the file system
that was to be mounted on / to get that honor.

So using my laptop, I set slice 1 (ada0s1) as "active", then replaced
the drive and tried again.

No go.

It seems that the boot0 code wasn't written to the disk, either.

So I re-attached the drive to my laptop & ran "boot0cfg" to set to boot
code -- and, while I was there, told the MBR that slice 1 would be a good
place from which to boot.

That finally worked.

I was, however, a bit surprised to find that my script to accomplish the
"cloning" didn't work without some ... exercise: it uses a "dump |
restore" pipeline to read the (mounted) / and /usr & restore them (after
newfs, of course) on the target slice.  Well, dump wants to make a
snapshot if it's reading from a FS mounted read/write, and that's
apparently not (currently?) compatible with SU+J, which is the default
that the installer used.  (I was subsequently able to manually disable
the journaling, clone the slice, and re-enable the journaling.  A
subsequent test verified that I could then boot from either slice 1 or
slice 2, and that I could control this by running a script before

So I got there, though I did encounter a bit of turbulence. :-}

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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