Al 29/08/2012 14:13, En/na John Baldwin ha escrit:
On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 6:12:02 am Peter Jeremy wrote:
[Moving to -stable and adding jhb@ for his input]

On 2012-Aug-29 11:32:44 +0200, Gustau Pérez i Querol <> 
Al 29/08/2012 11:02, En/na Peter Jeremy ha escrit:
On 2012-Aug-28 11:44:44 +0200, Gustau Pérez i Querol <> 
    I'm running FreeBSD 9.1 RC1/AMD64 with VirtualBox. The problem I'm
facing is that I can't use more than 8 network adapters plugged to the
virtual machine.
     I don't know if it's a net@ problem or maybe it is a problem with
the emulated PCI-bridge and then stable@ should be contacted. Also, I'm
not sure if a real machine would support more than 8 network adapters or
not. Any hints would be appreciated.
I don't think I've ever used more than 6 physical NICs in a host but don't
know of any reason for >8 to not work.
Can you please post a "pciconf -lv" from FreeBSD and the equivalent
"lspci" from Linux.  A FreeBSD verbose boot log might also help.
    Sure. I'm attaching them to this mail. I hope the mailing list
doesn't eat them. If it does, I will post them online and send the URL
to the mailing list.
Ah..  lspci shows the 9th LANCE at 02:00.0.  The verbose boot shows
FreeBSD finds pcib2 (at pci0 device 25.0) but doesn't see anything
on that bus.  ISTR jhb@ will recognize that problem.
Silly firmware, VM, whatever it is. :)  It's buggy.

pcib1: <PCI-PCI bridge> at device 24.0 on pci0
pcib1:   domain            0
pcib1:   secondary bus     1
pcib1:   subordinate bus   2
pcib1:   no prefetched decode
pcib1:   Subtractively decoded bridge.
pci1: <PCI bus> on pcib1
pci1: domain=0, physical bus=1
pcib2: <PCI-PCI bridge> at device 25.0 on pci0
pcib2:   domain            0
pcib2:   secondary bus     2
pcib2:   subordinate bus   3
pcib2:   no prefetched decode
pcib2:   Subtractively decoded bridge.
pci2: <PCI bus> on pcib2
pci2: domain=0, physical bus=2
This is indeed the problem.  PCI bus 2 is "claimed" by both pcib1 and pcib2
since the VM author programmed the bridges incorrectly.  In this case, the
subordinate bus should be "1" and "2", not "2" and "3".  You could add a hack
to pci_pci.c to fix the subordinate bus on these bridges which should probably
fix this.

I guess a quirk should be added to pci_pci.c:572? I guess it would be enough to check the chipid and then set the secbus and subbus according to the supbus, am I right? That quirk should be also added to head.

But this would be a temporary hack, fortunately this hardware can be fixed (because it's virtual); so I guess the VBox team should be notified about this one.

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O O O Gustau Pérez i Querol
O O O Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica
O O O Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
      Edifici C3 - Despatx S101-B
 UPC  Campus Nord UPC
      C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3
      08034 - Barcelona

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