Great, really looking forward to trying this out! Have you noticed any
difference with larger file systems using the HyperV block driver? Since
8.x the standard file systems seem to suffer corruption with > 40gb, which
is a show stopper for our clients wanting to deploy on HyperV. I hoped this
might solve the problem...?

-- Antony

On Monday, August 13, 2012, Chris Knight wrote:

> Hello,
> I've created some patchsets based on the beta release of the Hyper-V
> integration components for FreeBSD.
> The patchsets are for 8.2, 8.3, 9.0 and 9.1-BETA1 and can be found here:
> Although the Hyper-V kernel modules compile, they'll cause a kernel
> panic if loaded, but I got them built cleanly to allow for easy kernel
> swapping using nextboot.
> Using GEOM labels makes it easy to swap between a Hyper-V enabled
> kernel and a non-Hyper-V enabled kernel.
> It's also worth noting that the Hyper-V network driver is flaky - UDP
> works fairly well, but TCP is very flaky. Haven't yet got to the root
> cause of this.
> The storage performance increase is very nice, as is the heartbeat and
> shutdown capabilities. I've yet to check if KVP functionality is
> included.
> --
> Regards,
> Chris Knight
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