Hello, Freebsd-fs.

  My server crashed today morning due to PSU failure, and now it is
checking (in foreground!) 8Tb UFS2+SU volume for 6200 seconds, and it
is only "Phase 1b" (!!!). I don't want even think about background
check of this FS.
  Is SUJ stable enough to migrate to it? It was marked as stable some
time ago, and was included into 9-RELEASE, but later I seen some
messages on fs@ list, that it still has some problems, and even some
references to McKusick's message about this instability (but I've failed
to find message itself).

  BTW, this check reveals many softupdate inconsistences (mostly DUPs), and 
most of
them are in files, which was not written for sure in time of crash (old
archives, which could be only read!).

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@freebsd.org>

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