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Mark Felder wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 12:25:01 -0600, Damien Fleuriot <m...@my.gd>
> wrote:
>> Now, I find the number of problem reports regarding 9.0-RELEASE
>> alarming and I'm growing more and more fearful towards it.
> Then stick with the 8.x train until it's no longer supported.
> Also, don't you know the rule about running .0 releases in
> production? :)
> 9.0 had LOTS of changes. They were very important. It's going to
> take a while for the community to fully absorb them and bugs to be
> worked out. We don't have enough testers of -CURRENT to prevent
> this. Everything seemed stable (ie, no release blockers) for the
> people running -CURRENT and -PRERELEASE, BETAs, and RCs, so it was
> released.
> But as always, TEST TEST TEST and please have a proper
> staging/test environment before you throw your production into
> 9.x.

that is all understandable but the point should not be forgotten ...

I mean certainly -RELEASE __is__ the production release

so, few testers is no excuse, still more when that is a known issue,
so a bigger time frame would be the solution until the var
_seemed_stable change into _is_stable

of course, that is not always so easy but also think of side effects,
few_testers could change into still_less when FreeBSD prove to have
unstable releases

- -- 

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