written by ${ME} ...

> First BUG: (not fixed yet, but workaround already is working)
> Plug in FAT32 and NTFS drives at the same time, when FAT32 device
> will be detected first, it will get mounted and the NTFS drive will be
> mounted TWICE, so I added > __check_already_mounted function
> to check if it is not already mounted.

This BUG is fixed, I was in wrong assumption, that the script would
be only executed for /dev/da0 but it was executed for every
device/partition node that appeared separately, like /dev/da0,
/dev/da0s1, /dev/da0s2 etc.

Currently there is no knows bugs, but the prepared earlier
'workaround functions' remain just in case.

As I written before its now available here:


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