On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 09:38:18AM -0500, Paul Mather wrote:
> I have a problem with RELENG_8 (FreeBSD/amd64 running a GENERIC kernel, last 
> built 2012-02-08).  It will panic during the daily periodic scripts that run 
> at 3am.  Here is the most recent panic message:
> Fatal trap 9: general protection fault while in kernel mode
> cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
> instruction pointer     = 0x20:0xffffffff8069d266
> stack pointer           = 0x28:0xffffff8094b90390
> frame pointer           = 0x28:0xffffff8094b903a0
> code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
>                         = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1
> processor eflags        = resume, IOPL = 0
> current process         = 72566 (ps)
> trap number             = 9
> panic: general protection fault
> cpuid = 0
> KDB: stack backtrace:
> #0 0xffffffff8062cf8e at kdb_backtrace+0x5e
> #1 0xffffffff805facd3 at panic+0x183
> #2 0xffffffff808e6c20 at trap_fatal+0x290
> #3 0xffffffff808e715a at trap+0x10a
> #4 0xffffffff808cec64 at calltrap+0x8
> #5 0xffffffff805ee034 at fill_kinfo_thread+0x54
> #6 0xffffffff805eee76 at fill_kinfo_proc+0x586
> #7 0xffffffff805f22b8 at sysctl_out_proc+0x48
> #8 0xffffffff805f26c8 at sysctl_kern_proc+0x278
> #9 0xffffffff8060473f at sysctl_root+0x14f
> #10 0xffffffff80604a2a at userland_sysctl+0x14a
> #11 0xffffffff80604f1a at __sysctl+0xaa
> #12 0xffffffff808e62d4 at amd64_syscall+0x1f4
> #13 0xffffffff808cef5c at Xfast_syscall+0xfc

Please look up the line number for the fill_kinfo_thread+0x54.

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